South Africa has seen as much as 75% of the honey that has been tested as fraudulent and this was using the C4 test that doesn’t detect rice syrup. Extensive testing is going to be the only way to stop this. It is far too easy to get starch syrups these days. And local doesn’t necessarily mean safe. Any one can jump online and get it delivered.

The only way to stop food fraud is going to be random testing of what is on the store shelves. In addition everything that is coming into the country should be subject to testing. We have no real knowledge of the processes followed in other countries. By using extensive testing, we will have everyone on an even playing field. Testing doesn’t have to be expensive either. Magnetic Resonance is much faster than most tests and provides definitive answers. It is also very economical on a wide scale.

To find out more about the situation in South Africa click here.